Supporting Organizations

We are very proud of the Minnesota Metropolitan Builders Association (MMCA) advantages it affords our members. Membership in the MMBA is a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can have a positive influence on your business and personal growth once you become involved and learn how to cultivate the many opportunities available to you. We facilitate business-to-business networking and provide a variety of benefits, such as special members-only events and programs throughout the year.

Additionally, the MMCA serves as a resource to the public, providing information and referrals to help citizens enjoy their construction experience. Our Association provides valuable tools and resources to anyone considering a construction project.

Builders Association membership is a 3-for-the-price-of-1 deal. You join at your local association MMCA where you can build your professional network. You get education, events, leadership opportunities, and fun with your local peers. At the state level – your membership with the Builders Association of Minnesota (BAM) is where all the local associations come together.

Minnesota's builders need a voice at the Capitol and that voice is BAM. We’re the ones who work with state legislators to keep your best interests in mind when new laws are passed and ensure your ability to remain competitive is never sacrificed under new laws. We also provide a variety of benefits that help builders save money, and stay informed and up to date on codes and legislation that affect our members.

National Home Builders Association (NAHB) is your national association partner. NAHB has established and continues to provide a strong voice for members and the building industry, concerning legislative issues. NAHB's professional staff has the answers, whether members are dealing with day-to-day problems or complex issues that could have a major impact on their businesses. The State and National Associations also offers several additional benefits such as education and leadership opportunities.