Mission and vision

MMCA’s mission is to help its members – builders, developers, remodelers, home improvement contractors, and all the businesses contracting in residential and commercial construction – excel in their business and to represent all contractors and developers in the Twin Cities market before local govenments. 

Our vision is for construction businesses to work together to protect the business opportunity in the local markets that they live an work in.  MMCA will work with local government officials to provide members with a competitive advantage by addressing code interpretations, ordinances, policies, and fees. We focus on the issued members face in the communities where they build.

MMCA is backed by the support and resourced of BAM and NAHB. We will support your bottom line through targeted local governement relations, networking with other businesses in our industry, and focus on developing the next generation of builders and contractors as we look to the future of our industry.

Building communities together


Influence ordinances & policies that affect the industry.


Promote member-to-member business and professionalism to public


Encourage new businesses & professionalism seeking a construction career