3-In-1 Membership

Your 3-in-1 Membership ensures your business is supported locally by MMCA, at the state level by the Builders Association of MN (BAM) and nationally by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).


Minnesota Metropolitan Contractors Association

MMCA strives to assist all contractors, developers and partner businesses – big or small- in the Twin Cities navigate their way through local government and their business needs, through advocacy, building relationships and ongoing support.


Builders Association
of Minnesota

Bam’s mission is to help our members excel in the Minnesota residential construction industry. Through legislation, regulation, and litigation, BAM provides members with a competitive advantage. Services include code guides, contract templates, legal advocacy, and the industry voice at the Minnesota State Capitol.


National Association
of Home Builders

NAHB strives to protect the American Dream of housing opportunities for all, while working to achive professional success for its members who build communities, create jobs and strenghten our economy.

A federation of more than 700 state and local associations, NAHB represents more than 140,000 members. About one-third are home builders and remodelers. The rest work in closely related specialties such as sales and marketing, housing finance, and manufactuing and suppling building materials. Each year, NAHB’s members construct about 80% of the homes built in the United States, both single and multifamily.

About MMCA Membership:

When you become a member it is for you and anyone within your organization and the cost membership is $600.00 per year per organization. You can join and pay your yearly dues either online by credit card or mailing a check. We also have the option of monthly and quarterly auto-withdraw payment plans.

You will be listed in our Directory and will be able to include your logo and you may add any other contacts that you want to be contacted or to receive MMCA news. If someone within your organization wants to be recognized individually at NAHB then once your company has signed up they can sign up for $100.00 per year. This is particularly important if they want news coming out of NAHB, to log into the website and are looking to get or maintain an NAHB designation.

Thank you for your consideration, please feel free to contact us with any questions.